How To Clean a Commercial Tent

How To Clean a Commercial Tent

Dec 10th 2020

Investing in a frame tent is by no means insignificant. Just like any other asset, the longevity of a commercial frame tent is dependent on how the owner maintains it. There are prescribed methods for assembling, disassembling, transporting, cleaning and storing of frame tents. In this blog, the tent pros at Anchor Industries explain how to properly clean a commercial tent so it will be serviceable for years to come.

Commercial Frame Tents

The main components of a commercial frame tent include the aluminum frame and the fabric top, which is made from synthetic vinyl fabric. The tent fabric is made of sturdy, waterproof and durable material that is meant to last. However, the fabric can deteriorate faster if not taken care of.

As a business owner, it is in your best interest to ensure that your commercial frame tents are regularly cleaned and maintained, especially if you’re using them for social distancing purposes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cleaning your tents regularly is imperative to kill and minimize any germs.

You also don’t want to have dirt, stains or mildew visible. This procedure is a key component in the visibility of your business. The better maintained your tent cover is, the better your reputation is in the tent rental business.

So now let’s look at the best ways to clean commercial frame tents.

Do Not Clean Tents on an Abrasive Surface

The surface where you choose to clean a tent fabric is a very important consideration for frame tent and clear span structure owners. You should definitely avoid cleaning the tent cover material on rough surfaces like asphalt and concrete. As you clean and scrap the tent cover on rough surfaces, there is friction as the tent rubs against the asphalt surface. Although they may not be distinguishable from the bare eye, this can lead to micro-tears on the tent fabric.

If you’re cleaning the tent cover material in your driveway, we suggest that you use a drop cloth or material between the tent cover and the concrete. The drop cloth will bear the brunt of the friction between the asphalt and preserve your tent fabric.

Do Inspect Your Tents for Damage

As the old adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Commercial frame tents are exposed to difficult weather conditions and damage due to handling. It is important to schedule a visual inspection for tent covers so that damage can be detected and rectified as soon as possible.

Do Inspect That Your Tent Is Completely Dry Before Storage

Proper drying is one of the most important steps many people forget before packing up after cleaning. Before storing your frame tent, make sure it’s dry completely with no water on it. Storing your tent in a dark place while it is still moist provides a conducive environment for mold and mildew to thrive. This mold will discolor your tent cover and reduce its aesthetic appeal, which will hurt your tent rental company’s reputation. Ensure the entire tent is dry after your event before placing it in storage.

Do Expedite Repairs for Any Damages

Any reported damages to the tent cover should be fixed as soon as they are reported. Damages to the frame tent cover material, such as stains, get worse during cycles of assembly and disassembly. A pinhole tear will expand and cause further damage if it is not fixed as soon as possible.

Do Dismantle Your Tent as Soon as the Event Is Over

Frame tents will provide you with a longer service life if you protect them from the harsh elements. So as soon as the event is done, carefully disassemble it and transport it according to the tent rental company’s instructions.

Do Not Use Harsh Washing Ingredients to Clean Your Tent

Like we mentioned earlier, the vinyl fabric can be compromised when there is a chemical reaction between the vinyl and harsh cleaning agents. The strength of the tent cover can be compromised if you use detergents that are not recommended to clean it. Cleaning materials containing chlorine such as bleach will react adversely with vinyl and degrade it.

Do Not Use a Machine Washer (All the Time)

Industrial laundry mats are great, but they’re not always the best way to clean a commercial tent. Given how big commercial rental tents can be, using a commercial washer is a quick and useful way to keep your tent fabric sparkling. While machine washing saves time to clean your fabric – and can be a blessing during a busy event season – we strongly recommend hand washing tents with cleanser and warm water whenever possible. Machine washing doesn’t offer the same level of gentle cleaning as hand washing the fabric does.

In addition to limiting machine washing, it’s vital to not use too much soap when machine washing. Also, always remember to pre-treat stains using a vinyl safe spotting solution.

Train Your Staff

Comprehensive staff training will go a long way in getting a longer life of service from your frame tent cover. Ensure that they are competent in installing, cleaning, storing, transporting and disassembly of the frame tent. For example, walking on the exterior of the tent can leave dirt and footprints all over the exterior. Share these tips with anyone associated with set up or tear down. Using the right products and step-by-step process can keep your tents ready for your next event.

Contact Your Tent Supplier About Proper Tent Cleaning Guidelines

In summary, please consult your tent supplier on how to properly care for a commercial frame tent cover. Adhere to these guidelines and train your staff properly. If you have any questions, contact Anchor Industries today or locate one of our nationwide dealers who will be happy to assist.